Friday, April 10, 2009

Happy Easter

I encourage anyone who is reading this, if you don't know Jesus Christ as your personal savior, to consider the true meaning of Easter. Like a lot of people, I grew up thinking that if I lived a basically "good" life and went to church every Sunday, I would go to heaven one day. Sure, I had heard the stories about Jesus dying and being resurrected, and I believed them. But it was only an intellectual belief, not a personal belief in my heart. I just assumed that I was covered by Jesus' act because I went to church and tried to do my best to be a good person.

Then I heard the account of when Jesus told a man named Nicodemus that "no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again" (John 3:3). Up to that point, I thought "born again" was just a term that "holy roller" Christians used, one that certainly didn't apply to me. But after hearing this story, I realized that being born again meant making a decision to repent (i.e., turn away) of my sinful nature and personally ask Jesus to come into my heart and give me new life. And thus I would be born again and have the assurance of eternal life in heaven.

This new life comes not on any merit or good works of my own, whether done before or after asking Jesus to come into my life. I could never be good enough, compared to God's standard of perfection, to overcome all the wrong things I've done. My salvation and eternal life are assured only by believing that Jesus, the Son of God, lived a perfect life, died in my place and conquered death by rising from the tomb.

And that's what Christians celebrate at Easter. It's not about bunnies and eggs and dressing up nice to go to church. It's not even about intectually acknowledging that Jesus died and rose again, although that is the most important truth in all of history. For the message of Easter to be effective, it has to be personal.

So, have you asked Jesus into your heart as your Lord and Savior? Every one of us is going to die one day. Make sure you are ready by taking this step of faith. It is the most important decision you will ever make. For more information, go to

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