Friday, November 5, 2010

Blessed Evening

Typically when a team visits a community in which Living Hope works, a community-wide outreach event is held, with the hope of connecting residents with each other and with God. Last year when LCC was in Red Hill, we were hindered by rain and had to move the outreach event indoors, into a church building. Unfortunately when that happened, a number of men walked away, apparently not comfortable entering a house of worship.

As we looked ahead to this week’s outreach with the LCC team, the forecast was not good. Torrential rains came late Wednesday night and a 60 percent chance of showers was predicted for throughout the following day. But when 6:00 p.m. rolled around, the skies were clear with just a slight spring chill in the air. Thanks be to God!

With the P.A. system blasting from the porch of the Red Hill health clinic – “bring the fire,” Mzo instructed me as I bumped the volume control up – people started to arrive in bunches. Others lingered by their homes or stood on the perimeter, but the great thing about such an open-air event is it offers people a “safe” environment to check things out.

At least 150 people heard vocal performances by the Red Hill Kids Club and the recently formed Red Hill Choir, a testimony by LCC’s Maggie Leef, and convicting Gospel preaching by Mzo and local pastor Victor Clayton. Though daylight was fading fast, the light of Jesus was shining brightly among this mountainside community. Here are a few more images from a blessed evening:

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