Monday, November 17, 2008

Out of the Zone

Part of my motivation in coming to volunteer in South Africa was to get out of the proverbial comfort zone. In my case, that means pretty much anything that forces me to interact with people I don’t know well. At Living Grace’s homeless ministry, that happens every day I’m there. Someone always wants to talk about one concern or another. I listen, I try to encourage them, I pray with them. But some situations are way beyond my limited interpersonal abilities.

This morning, I casually asked “How ya doing?” to a woman I’ve befriended these past few weeks. Her answer: “Terrible. I want to find a shotgun and kill myself. I can’t take it anymore.” Um … OK … well … yikes. I did my best to listen and encourage, but I knew enough to realize this lady has some deep-seated issues that require professional counseling. I promised her I would ask around and see if I could find someone she could meet with on a regular basis.

About five minutes after that conversation ended, a staff member introduced me to a new volunteer, an older lady who will be here for the next six months. And guess what her background is? Professional counselor! No coincidence there. God showed me a need, then immediately provided for it. “Oh, have I got a customer for you,” I told my new friend. She’s a sweet lady and she's interested in meeting with this troubled woman. Any prayers for healing are much appreciated.

Another painful circumstance at Living Grace today was the news of Claire’s death. Claire had been a frequent visitor to the facility. I never met her, but I had heard much about her – apparently she was a pretty colorful character. She was asthmatic and was found stricken at the park where a lot of homeless people stay. She was taken to the hospital and passed away on Saturday.

Life at Living Grace is anything but a comfort zone.


Ashley said...

I can't tell from your post if she was married or not. In any case, one of my personal favorites regarding women is Proverbs 31 starting around verse 9 if I recall correctly (no Bible handy).

Anonymous said...

i pray that god will continue to be with you. that he will give you wisdom beyond your recognition and words of comfort to those in need. he is mighty and faithful!

your blog is an encouragement to me that god never leaves us and always provides. you are touching people around the globe with the mission you are on. god bless you al and continue to grow and prosper in the lord.