Monday, December 1, 2008

365 Days of Activism

16 Days of Activism, the international campaign against gender violence, began last week. Coinciding with the 16 days in Cape Town is an initiative by Ryan Dalton, a Tennessee transplant who maintains that activism against violence is not just a 16-day event but a 365-days-a-year lifestyle. Ryan came to Cape Town eight years ago to minister to “street children,” those countless sad cases of kids who don’t have homes for one reason or another. Since the 16 Days began on November 25, Ryan has literally been living on the streets of Cape Town's city centre, where he's raising awareness for the children while putting himself in their shoes and learning first-hand what their 24/7 lives are like. You can check out his journey at, and if you're on Facebook, type "365 days of activism" in the search field for a group page.

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